Independent Television in Britain

Independent Television in Britain

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Success out of near disaster, finances taken to the edge of bankruptcy, resignations - this volume tells the dramatic stories of the major new commercial television developments in Britain between 1981-92. This is an authoritative account, from the people involved and from official documents, of the launches and first ten years of Channel 4 and TV-am, the expansion of cable television and early difficulties of satellite broadcasting.

Print on demand book, New Book, In English, Fast Shipping from our UK Warehouse, Independent Television in Britain : Volume 6 New Developments in Independent Television 1981-92: Channel 4, TV-am, Cable and Satellite printed by Palgrave Macmillan
Technische Daten
Hersteller: 13.12.2002
Farbe: Englisch
Herstellernummer: L. AstonP. Bonner

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Independent Television in Britain

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