The Wind-Hydro Energy Mix: A Case Study for Zambia

The Wind-Hydro Energy Mix: A Case Study for Zambia

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The aim of this research is to examine the wind-hydro energy mix by analyzing the characteristics of wind energy variation in a year and that of hydro. The research uses the calculated values of wind power from the wind speeds recorded at 80m above the ground and the values of the actual generated hydropower for seven years. The useful information used is for the monthly wind speeds in a year and the monthly hydro production profile in a year. The profiles are compared in the wet and dry seasons of the year in Zambia as the seasons are directly related to water levels in water reservoirs and hence hydro power production. The wet season is a regular period of the year when there is prolonged rainfall while the dry season is a prolonged period of continuous dry weather. The information about the wind speeds for power generation where obtained from the recently completed wind resource mapping in Zambia.
Technische Daten
Hersteller: Lambert
Registrierungsnummer Biozidprodukte: 9786203925104

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The Wind-Hydro Energy Mix: A Case Study for Zambia

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